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Where Do Bed Bugs Hide in Dale City, VA: How to Check for Signs of Bed Bug Infestations

When people suspect bed bugs, many turn to online searches and read through the common signs of bed bug infestations. The red flags often relate the dried droplets of blood, molten skin, lined bite marks, and other such indicators. The constant pilfering of your blood leaving itchy, red welt marks is more than a nuisance. Though these vampires are not linked to spreading any known diseases, they do leave behind histamines that can cause breathing problems and exacerbate allergies. More often than you may think however, people will second guess what pest is creeping into your bed at night when you search the bed for signs of these nasty blood-lusting criminals. With this in mind, we at CSI Home & Commercial Services would like to help you look for these blood thirsty criminals.

How to Find Bed Bugs During the Day

It is important to know as bed bugs are nocturnal, they look for safe, dark corners to spend the day in. Below are a few steps that can help you find the bed bugs in your home.
1) Look for Bed Bugs. Bed bugs are tiny, no bigger than an apple seed, giving them a major advantage. Have a flashlight handy when you go hunting and even a magnify glass to help you find these hiding masters. Aside from looking reddish and engorged after eating, bed bugs are flat and grayish brown.
2) Start in their last known location. The optimal place to start is starting at the place where they were last seen or suspected of their activities because they are likely still in the area. If they don’t have to, they don’t stray too far away from their meal. Start along the box spring, mattress, and bed frame. Be thorough. Check the crevices and if you do not see any, start looking in the nearby locations and furniture.
3) Check adjacent locations for bed bugs. Expand the search if no bed bugs are spotted to the adjacent furnishings, behind baseboards, frames, outlets and so on. Be sure to look along the curtains, curtain rods and all surrounding areas. Look in unconventional spots as bed bugs will hunker down nearly anywhere.
4) Follow the bed bug’s trail. Trails of evidence is left behind by bed bugs. Look for the clues and follow them; such as blood they were unable to digest and had to secrete, small dark red particles (there fecal matter), the skin, or shells that is their outer skeleton the bed bugs. Ned bugs will shed their skin as they mature into the next cycle. Their shells is commonly left outside their nesting area. A fairly identifiable to bed bugs is the smell they secrete. When they have larger numbers and are in concentrated areas, bed bugs will emit an odor that is obvious, smelling much like a musty, sweet smell.
5) Check cracks and crevices for bed bugs. With a flashlight and magnifying glass, the bed bugs’ minuscule size enables them to hide even in the smallest of spaces. Searching for bed bugs can be a task as you have to sure in every crack and crevice to confirm a bed bug infestation.

Bed Bug Inspections & Treatment

To ensure the bed bug inspection is done efficiently, and to avoid taxing investigations, call in the professionals of CSI Home & Commercial Services for an inspection and if any are found, our experts can help you eliminate them!