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Bagworm Life Cycle, Prevention, Spray Treatment & Control in Fredericksburg VA

One of the major problems with the presence of insects and bugs is the impact they have on trees and plants. There is a large amount of research performed every year to learn more about these pests and what can be done to get rid of them for the health of the trees they harm. Although the existence of various bugs and insects is important, their populations need to be balanced. When they become overly aggressive in a specific area and kill off adult trees, they are considered an infestation and need to be eradicated. One of the pests that is making a large impact on trees in Virginia is the Bagworm. Bagworms start to show up as an adult late in the summer and have been known to wreak havoc on trees. They are in the larvae stage in the early part of June and this is the ideal time to treat them IF you happen to notice them. However their well-known trademark of a bag that hangs from the tree branches is not noticeable until after they are adults!

Bagworm Moth Life Cycle

The male bagworm will turn into a winged moth and the females lay in their bags throughout the summer. The females will emerge late in the summer when it is time to mate. When you start to notice the bags late in summer your opportunity to get rid of them is unfortunately a little late. This means they have probably already laid there eggs and that means that next year’s crop is ready to eat away at your trees.

Bagworm Prevention, Spray & Control

bagworm moth larvaeIf you have a Juniper, Pine, Spruce Boxelder or Elm tree for example, then it is a great idea to inspect them for the trademark bags hanging on branches. Bagworms have been known to kill off a tree more quickly than other pests that infest trees. They are hard to recognize early on when the damage is being done. If you have these trees on your property, you can have them sprayed topically to get in contact with the larvae stage of the bagworm. If you have waited until you start to see the bags, your typical spray will not work. The females are inside of these bags that hang on the tree and they are woven very tightly. A spray will not penetrate inside to kill them off.

Professional Bagworm & Pest Inspections

The bagworm can defoliate a tree in no time which in turn weakens it and can leave it open and susceptible to other infestations like boring pests. Eventually the tree can have dead branches which can be a hazard and then possibly the tree can die off. CSI Home & Commercial Services of Virginia can come out and perform an inspection of your trees and property for these tree killing pests. We are able to treat the problem and also keep your trees pest free for the rest of the season and year. Contact us today!